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Beneficial Bugs for your Houseplants and Gardens

Beneficial insects are invaluable allies in maintaining a healthy and productive home garden. By understanding their roles and creating an environment that attracts and supports them, you can reduce the need for chemical interventions and promote a thriving, sustainable garden ecosystem.

Planter Arrangement
How to Create a Showstopping Planter Arrangement

When plotting out a new arrangement, whether it is to feature flowering plants or just greenery, it’s important to remember there is no right or wrong plant combination. With 6 simple steps, create your own...

different potted plants blanket book and pillow on window sill at home
Overwintering Your Outdoor Plants: Tips and Tricks to Keep Your Tropical Plants Alive During Winter

As Summer begins to wind down, our Plant Lovers from colder climates frequently ask us, “How best can my plants survive the Winter?” Luckily, it IS possible to keep some of your less cold-hardy plants...

Unbox the Magic of Your Inner Plant Style

When you open a PlantVine box, we believe you’ll find the experience to be a bit different from opening other boxes. Inside you’ll find something alive; something that infuses positive energy into a…

Unique Gifts Hand-picked for Dad this Father’s Day

Father’s Day is just ahead. This year, don’t wait for the last minute to get Dad the same old, same old. After all, your Dad always has your back, so why not show him he’s front and center in your hear…

bougainvillea new river
Add the Perfect Amount of Color to Your Garden

This is an exciting time of year for plant enthusiasts. In our minds and hearts, we envision blooming flowers basking in those welcome warmer temperatures. So, even though it may still be a…

Our Top Spring Flowering Plants For Your Garden

Whether March comes in like a Lion or a Lamb, when the month finally arrives, we all begin to look forward to Spring and the lovely flowers those warmer temperatures bring.

Spring Plants that Attract Butterflies and Bees

This year, why not plan for some very welcome visitors in your garden? Let’s spend a moment familiarizing ourselves with several plants sure to attract butterflies and bees.

pumpkin surrounded by green plants
What’s Trending for Autumn Gardens

No doubt about it, the season has changed. Though some gardeners may be sad to see all those glorious summer colors fade or go dormant, there are many vibrant options available in fall.