End of Season Clearance Sale!

Save BIG on select plants as we clear out the nursery.

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45-Day Guarantee

Our store commitment to deliver live, healthy, happy, lush house plants and outdoor plants to your door.

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A feature that takes the edge off of buying plants online: meet your new plant before it ships!

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Free Shipping Over $75

The more plants, the merrier! Shop and take advantage of our free shipping when you spend more than $75.

All About Alocasia

Make a statement with a big and bold Elephant Ear.

Find Your Rare Philodendron

With 1,000's of variations, Philodendrons come in a wide array of foliage colors and shapes.

Darryl searches the globe to bring dedicated plant collectors some of the rarest and most exotic plants and trees on the planet.

luis hero mobile

When it comes time to clear some room at the nursery, Luis will blow out our oversized plants and trees at clearance prices.

workspace plants

Take your knowledge of plant parenting to the next level with tips, care guides and educational articles on the blog.